anxiety annhilation: subliminal audio
What you will receive:
In this day and age of constant anxiety, fearporn on the news, holidays, social gatherings, social media, uncertainty in the world. There is a constant bombarding of stress and anxiety in the air.
Whatever the cause of your anxiety may be… from co-workers, to money stresses, relationship issues, early childhood traumas.
There is a lot that we have on our plates today, and for many of us, it can be overwhelming to say the least. This overwhelm can lead to dependency on substances like alcohol, weed, porn, sex or other addictions to escape the black cloud hovering over us.
But as you know, these things don’t actually help you… they just give you a temporary escape from the daily pressures of living in constant anxiousness.
This is where the Anxiety Annhilation Audio Track comes in. With over 100+ subliminal affirmations, this subliminal audio is designed to ease the mind, and allow you to let go of the negativity and anxiety, leaving you in an active state of peace and serenity.
If you are sick and tired of the stress and anxiety overpowering your life and your mind daily, beign listening to this subliminal today.
What’s inside?
Powerful custom affirmations based on decades of research into mental reprogramming and psychology
Delivered subliminally, meaning you don’t need to do any work, the audio works for you, just listen daily.
Overlaid onto the track is relaxing classical music piece which will put your brain in an alpha state, further increasing your minds ability to absorb these subliminal affirmations.
Do not be alarmed if you start having crazy dreams or feel sensations in your body listening to this.
Some people feel nothing at all for the first few weeks, and slowly notice progressive changes to their daily mental health.
Others experience instant relief.
Some of my clients have reported crazy dreams (a sign that your subconscious is being reprogrammed effectively).
And a few have even claimed to experience a calm, spiritual energy flowing over their body while they listen to it.
All it takes is 8 minutes per day.
You can listen to it more than once a day for added effects, some even play it while they sleep.
For a limited time, Anxiety Annhilation is on sale for 44% off its regular price.
I know holidays can be a stressful time where anxiety can be rampant.
Its also the time of year that people take their mental performance seriously as they prepare to begin the new year right.
Grab your copy here: